The Theory of HOPE

The Theory of HOPE

The Theory of HOPE

How Professor Einstein helped develop

The Theory of HOPE

Rick Miller

All rights reserved

For most of his life, Professor Albert Einstein struggled to create one simple and unifying formula/equation that would define what he called, the Theory of Everything – everything about our universe.

Even on his deathbed, Dr. Einstein asked his assistant to fetch his working papers. He died never linking together two theories upon which all modern physics rests: general relativity and quantum field theory.

Since sharing its research conclusions, followed by revealing its universal truths and supporting those understandings with a series of practices, we have sought to have one unifying formula/equation that holistically and simply expresses what was learned, how it is translated, and the way it is operationalized.

First a definition of HOPE.

Hope is not optimism, resiliency, nor self-efficacy but it does intersect with those three elements and other constructs as well like grit, self-esteem, etc.

University of Kansas professor, Dr. Richard Snyder defined hope as “A positive motivational state that is based on an interactively derived sense of successful (a) agency (goal-directed energy) and (b) pathways (planning to meet goals).”

Dr. Shane Lopez a colleague of Dr. Snyder, and senior scientist at the Gallup organization noted that hope is “the belief that the future will be better than the present, along with the belief that you have the power to make it so.”

Gallup Organization defines hope as “Ideas and Energy about the future.”

What is your definition of HOPE?


Based on what you’ve learned offer a definition that is in alignment with the science definition of HOPE:


Rather than talk about the future as an abstract term we joined the hope discussion and added, “Hope is the ability to mentally time travel into the future (home & family, education & career, community & service, and hobbies & recreation) return to the present and prepare for the journey.”

In honor of Dr. Einstein's relentless pursuit of the Theory of Everything, we thought it time to offer a Theory of HOPE – a holistic understanding of the research, translation, and operationalization. By doing so, we intersected Youth Development Theory with the Science of Hope.

The first element of our holistic equation 3 + 4 +5 = a Culture of HOPE are the “4” research conclusions as noted below.

By connecting its “4” research conclusions . . .

1. It's not risks or trauma that prevents a kids’ success- it is the absence of HOPE.

2. People who work with other people’s children do not control most of the risk/trauma kids experience, but they do control much of the HOPE.

3. HOPE is taught and learned-however, you cannot teach that which you do not know.

4. It is not programs or curriculum alone that make the greatest difference in kids’ lives; it is meaningful and sustainable relationships with caring adults.

After reviewing the FOUR RESEARCH CONCLUSIONS which of the four seems to resonate with and offer you insight and clarity and why?


Next, we reveal the “3” Universal Truths

as a translation of the research conclusions into a theoretical, and strategic cultural framework – three critical elements needed to create hope.

1. Believe – all kids are capable of success, No Exceptions!

2. Connect – every child/youth is guaranteed a meaningful relationship with a caring adult.

3. Time Travel – all children/youth learn the power of mental time travel by exploring their future in four destinations: home & family; education & career; community & service; and hobbies & recreation.

Identify one of the three universal truths and share your thoughts as to its importance:


And finally, we offer “5” practices. . .

that operationalize the universal truths and address the four research conclusions:

1. Belief (celebrate the belief)

2. Science and Power of Self Talk

3. KAH Report Card (acknowledging multiple intelligence/treasure hunting)

4. KAH Passport to the Future (documenting Time Travel)

5. Aces Tracking (documenting the power of relationships)

Our unifying Theory of HOPE may be formulatedas:

4 + 3 + 5 = A Culture of Hope

Image credit: Sidney Harris

Within the social services field,much has been written about change and the process needed to achieve the desired result. Whether one calls it the Theory of Change, Blueprint for Change, Logic Model, etc. the concept remains the same – what is the desired outcome and what is the plan to achieve it?

The desired outcome is ensuring that all children are seen as ‘at hope’ and can experience success at life’s four major destinations: home & family; education & career; community; & service; and hobbies and recreation.

Why do you believe that some adults belibelievet all kids are capable of success, No Exceptions is a difficult concept to embrace?



By working backward from the desired outcome, our work challenged the youth at risk paradigm. The youth at risk paradigm consciously and unconsciously establishes a much different reality where some children are seen as capable of success; others have potential but may not achieve success in an expected time frame, and there will be others who will not find or experience success at all.

By discrediting the conventional wisdom of the day that advances the notion that some but not all kids are capable of success, we were able to establish a cultural framework, supported by a series of simple practices that are demonstrating how all kids can succeed, No Exceptions.

Was it important to challenge the youth at risk paradigm and why? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Theory of HOPE Model can now be shown as a Theory of Change construct by asking three key questions:

Is what is being proposed for change:

  • Plausible?
  • Feasible?
  • Testable?

The answer is, it is!!

With all that as a backdrop, our unifying theory is now in place to create a change model that inspires, empowers and supports the success of all kids, No Exceptions.

Please write out the definitions to the equation 4 + 3 + 5 = A Culture of Hope

4 = __________________________________________




3 = ______________________________________________


5 = _____________________________________________



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HOPE Inquiry

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